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Refund Policy-Cash Back

Cash-Back policy is a guarantee that if there are not seen any results using beard roller in a monthly span of 6 months the money can be returned if proven that the results was not seen.

1.)People who not follow the steps published on website are not eligible for money refund.

2.)People who do not send genuine 1 photo for every month for 6 months will not be accepted for money refund.

3.)Proof of date may be needed for every photo taken each month to confirm the eligibility.

4.)People that use less than 3 times per week the beard roller product are not eligible for the refund.

5.)To be eligible for money refund you should use one of the growth kits.

6.)The amount of money refund after 6 month of purchase and use is equal only with the amount of beard roller / beard growth oil used and not the products that are for beard care,refund on whole growth kit and the products included will not be accepted exluding beard / hair/derma roller cost and the beard growth oil.

7.)Our company is not responcible for any damages that occur to product in shipping process.

8.)If the person is eligible for refund and followed all the cach-back steps,then the amount of beard/derma roller cost can be returned through paypal.

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